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Huizhou University Industry-University-Research Cooperation


First, the cooperation content

1. Huizhou University Industry-University-Research Cooperation Base

2. Huizhou University Teaching Practice Base

3. Professional Excellence Engineer Training Program                                                                                                                        Second, the results of the cooperation phase

1. Successfully docked a number of multi-batch professional excellence engineers to train talents, go to the enterprise to study and practice, and complete related learning and practical tasks according to the training plan;

2. There are already many professional and outstanding engineers who have trained to choose to stay in the company after graduation.

3. Huizhou University provides refresher training for enterprises, updated the knowledge of technicians, and improved the technical capabilities of enterprise technicians;

4. Huizhou University has opened up laboratories and libraries to enterprises, giving priority to providing the latest information in the professional field, providing technical consultation and technical cooperation, and providing positive assistance for corporate technicians to publish scientific papers;

5. The company sent a number of senior executives and senior technicians to serve as visiting professors or part-time teachers of Huizhou University, actively participating in school seminars, discussion and teaching activities;

6. Huizhou University selected outstanding teachers and business backbones as the company's science and technology commissioners to participate in the research and development of enterprise scientific research projects, joint project declaration, new technology and new products;

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